Queensryche "Warning"
The Clan Destined "Swinging Like Judas"
Eluviete "Scorched Earth / Meet the Enemy"
Oxxo Xoox "Ama"
Spater "Rat salad"
Pantera "By Demons Be Driven"
Birth A.D. "Parasites Die"
Havok "Arise"
Marduk "Damnation's Gold"
Spater "Revenge"
The Objex "Criminal State"
Sledge Leather "A Taste of Night"
Miss Lava "Ride"
Baroness "Take My Bones Away"
Photoreal "7Haus"
Mutant Supremacy "Kill Without Question"
Tenacious D "Rock is Dead"
Pyramada "Walk Away"
Wig Wam "Bleeding Daylight"
Spater "Misery"
Cyclophonia "Screams in the Night"
Revenant Dead "Decay Dance"
Psyche Corporation "Whirring World"
Picture It in Ruins "Mass Affect"
Spater "Desolate Endeavor"
No Redemption "Dying Day"
Chopstick Suicide "As I Lay Fail"
Ignitor "Heavy Metal Holocaust"
Cirque Du So What? "Anti-Bullying PSA"
Hung "Evil Tsar"
Spater "Mud and Nails"
Mercury Tide "World of Pain"
Necronomicon "Bloody Bastards"
Skip the Foreplay "Destination Nowhere"
Hubris "We Cannibals Eat These Christians"
Spater "Agony"
Sexcrement "Well Hungover"
Steel Assassin "Blitzkrieg Demons"
Chaos Inception "Pazuzu Eternal"
Cirque Du So What? "Shoebox vs the EVil Internet Space Lizards"
High on Fire "Bloody Knuckles"
Royal Thunder "Whispering World"
Ritual of Odds "God is an Athiest"
I, Omega "Cannibals"
Cirque Du So What? "Abortions and Guns"
Shadowside "Gag Order"
Void Moon "Through the Gateway"
** Russian Roulette Set **
Damn the Machine "Silence"
Hexx "Beware the Darkness"
Keel "Thunder and Lightning"
Miranda Sex Garden "Susperia"
Autumnblaze "Bleak"
Iron Maiden "Brave New World"
Bleed the Freaks "All is Lost"
Aggressor "What Is Me"
At Vance "Live & Learn"
Dehuman "Eyes of a Thousand"
Never to Arise "Snuff Film Superstar"
Cirque Du so What "An Open Letter to Shoebox's Waffle Iron"
The Reticent "Lie to Me"
Angelus Apatrida "Violent Dawn"
** Old School Hour **
Dokken "Dream Warriors" (R)
Alice Cooper "Chop, Chop, Chop"
Anathema "Pulled Under at 2000 Meters a Second"
Dream Theater "Pull Me Under" (R)
Manowar "Wheels of Fire" (R)
Oliver Magnum "Fahrenheit 451"
Reverend "Ritual"
Ironchrist "Getting the Most Out of your Extinction"
GWAR "Pure as the Arctic Snow"
Banshee "Fight"
Queensryche "Screaming in Digital / I Will Remember"
Recap by Fire Eater Wizard;
Rick, Randy, and, Ken, all from The Metallic Onslaught, well except Ken, were there. Also there were two members of the band Spater, Terry, and Dave. Dave is also the founder of The Finger Lakes Metal Fest, which would be the following Saturday, and which The Metallic Onslaught would be hosting. This is The Fest's 7th year. Spater and nineteen other bands would be performing. Spater had also brought their brand new CD, which you could also get at The Fest. Many tracks from it were played. They rock, is their website, and, is the website for, you guessed it, The Finger Lakes Metal Fest. Azkath hypnotized Randy. He put him to sleep, and meant to have him start doing the Meanie dance, possibly half naked... But the music he wanted to play for him to dance to refused to play for some reason, well, we later learned the reason, Azkath had forgotten to push the button. This prompted Azkath to say "what is this, screw the host night!?", and Randy, still under, took that as a command, and got up saying "screw the host", "screw the host". Azkath fought him, but Randy kept on coming, err, maybe that is an unfortunate choice of words, given the situation. Rick took over host duties while Azkath was still trying to fend off Randy, not all that successfully. Azkath pointed out to Randy that Rick was now the host, so he should go screw him. Randy tried. One hit from Rick and Randy was unconscious. He was out for quite a while. When he finally came to, he had no memory of what had just transpired. They told him he had taken a nap, fallen out of his chair, and hit his head, which would account for his headache. Later, for some unknown reason, Randy lapsed into something Azkath had hypnotized him to believe a few weeks ago, that Ken, a three hundred pound bald guy with a goatee, was a gorgeous woman that Randy would pursue. Randy started hitting on Ken. Then he snapped out of it, saw Ken as he was, and freaked out in horror. Ken started coming onto Randy and they fought. Randy clobbered Ken, and they told him, what had he done, he had assaulted a pretty girl. Randy went back to thinking Ken was a girl, and was terrified over what he had done. Russian Roulette was played. Either way someone was going to play Super Happy Fun Time Jumping Off The Roof Game. If a bullet played, Ken would take the plunge, if not, Randy Would. No bullet, even though Randy tried to dispute it. He wouldn't go up on the roof, so Rick and Ken got him up there. But then he refused to jump, so, to paraphrase a song, "Randy's on the house top and won't come down". Finally Ken told Randy there was a spider behind him, Randy jumped in fear, and finally fell off the roof, making a pretty satisfactory thud. Rick and Ken then took him home. Another wimpy metal guy afraid of a tiny little spider! Wait, Randy isn't a metal guy, he had those credentials revoked a long time ago. Never mind. Randy,and Ken were asked a bunch of those questions, in an attempt to find out what is wrong with them. We still don't have the answer, but we are making progress. There was one segment of Movie Time, with everyone participating. Azkath gave two book reviews about aliens, UFOs, and the study of them. The final hour was The Rare Obscure And Classic Music Hour...
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